Pharmacy Reviews Review: A Risky Website With No External Reviews

Welcome into is an internet pharmacy. It provides access to 12 including Proventil, Cialis, Priligy, Viagra, Amoxicillin, Advair, Cipro, Prozac, Ventolin, Lasix, Levitra, Kamagra, Zithromax. This company is an experienced store functioning since 2013. You’ll be attracted by competitive costs of items. Of the items are producedcomplying with of the quality standards. You are welcome to opt for the therapy.

Assortment Diversity offers both generic and original drugs. The catalogue of the store includes over 13 products. You can buy many different drugs for the following health conditions: anti fungal, antidepressants, antidiabetic, asthma, birth control, blood pressure, cancer, eye care, gastrointestinal, heart disease, skincare, sleep aid. Each of the drugs are divided into groups: anti fungal, antidepressants, antidiabetic, asthma, birth control, blood pressure, cancer, eye care, gastrointestinal, heart disease, skincare, sleep aid. Below you can check some of the top-selling goods of the pharmacy: Cialis, Kamagra, Proventil, Levitra, Priligy. Special offers of this store are updated, current offers include Viagra 100 mg x 12 pills + Cialis 20 mg x 12 pills for only $50.

Costs at

I analyzed the rates for the popular drugs offered at : Cialis, Kamagra, Proventil.

If you plan to purchase Cialis you’ll pay $1.07 per 10mg per item. The quantity in a pack is 360 pills. The total sum is $385.2.

If you want to make an purchase for Kamagra you must spend $4.67. The dose is 100mg. The number of pills is 90 pills. The total price for the bought meds is $420.3.

If you need Proventil at a dose of 100mcg its price will be $27.17. The total number of tablets in the pack is 6 pills. $163.02 is your total cost for the order.

In case you need Levitra, you can order it for $0.99 per 10mg. The package of 360 pills will cost $356.4.

Priligy may be bought for $1.70 per 30mg. Each pack includes 180 pills. The final price of your order will make $306.

Drug delivery

All the orders from are delivered by 2 global service. It is Airmail. The delivery is charged – $30. The shipping lasts 14-21 days. An additional option is free shipping if your total is over $200.


a worldwide delivery is offered by This business cooperates with 2 delivery companies known as Ems. Every customer pays $45 for shipping additionally. The delivery lasts 3-9 days to deliver the parcel. If your total is over $150 you’re qualified for free delivery.


Payment Methods accepts 5 payment methods. These options include Diners, Jcb, Mastercard, Visa, Western union.

Hawaiimd Technical Data by Google Page Speed

Based on Google, mobile version has medium loading rate – 68, which might make your ordering process not as convenient as you can hope for. According to Google PageSpeed Insights, desktop variant has average loading speed indexes 75, which means that this site may have some technical issues but this fact is unconfirmed.

Does Mobile Version Function Properly?

All good online pharmacies have mobile versions that simplify the website’s usage from smartphones. Google discovered that is mobile-friendly and users will have no problems with it.

How to Place an Order at seems a user-friendly site with a simple and quick ordering process. All products are distinguished. It’s fine that before placing an order, which saves time and is valued by clients who would rather purchase drugs as fast as 36,, consumers do not have to sign up. I appreciate the way they ordered the information concerning the available products: you can look at all the product info in 1 table: dosage, amount, cost per advertisement per package, saving, free delivery and bonuses (when accessible). To purchase drugs, you will need to just choose the item, click on the “Buy Now” button and proceed to “Checkout”. You also will need to pick the delivery and desirable options. It’s nice that the site has a trackable system, which means you can check the status and current location of your order online. about the Website Security gives almost the highest rating for – 25 percent. The business owner is located in United States.

Does Look Legit?

Legit Script is frustrated by functionality and gave it a”ROGUE” status, which means that this pharmacy failed to meet Legit Script criteria. I suspect the legislation could be violated by this company associated with pharmaceutical business.

What People Say about presents a separate review page on their website. The comments are all about delivery within the promised period, top-quality medications, quick delivery and low rates. The majority of clients seems to be pleased with the services.

Are Coupon Codes Available?

Regretfully, there are no current coupon codes for I was able to take some special offers but not restricted to: Viagra 10 pills x 100 mg + Cialis 10 pills x 20 mg + Levitra 10 pills x 20 mg for only $60.75.

Customer Support Service at

The contact form is your principal service. The question was requested. We had no response from the customer support department. The questions may be asked by means of email: The site is supplied with the telephone number. The manager answer all of the questions friendly and picks.